Business Context - Payment Method & Terms


Within the account information it is also extremely important to designated one or more payment methods in which this establishment would to be able to pay for their orders. In BEES, there are several payment methods that can be configured, the two most used are bank slip and cash.

Besides the nomenclature, there are some substancial differences between payment methods. The most important ones are emphasized below:

  • Credit Consumption

    • Payments that consumes the credit established for a specific POC. Therefore, if an order is placed and has a payment that consumes credit there will be a validation done in BEES to verify if this POC has the sufficient amount to pay for that order with the selected payment method;

    • Examples: Bank Slip, Bank Slip in Terms.

  • Payment done at a later date

    • Payments that are flexible to be paid in a later date is specified as terms in BEES. For instance, it is possible to set up a payment method in which the POC can place an order today and will have 7 days to pay off the order. The days in which the POC can pay for the order for that specific payment method can be set up as desired for each POC, meaning that POC A may have 7 days available and POC B may have 14 days available;

    • Example: Bank Slip in Terms.

  • Label Only

    • This payment method does not have any validation whatsoever, if a POC selects this method and place an order there will be no credit validation and no credit consumption. This payment method is used mostly to give visibility for the POC;

    • Example: Cash.

BEES - Payment Methods Visibility:

  • Within the BEES Application, the user accessing a specific POC is able to view the payment methods available on the checkout page. The first screen displays the checkout page, the list of available payments can be accessed when the user clicks on the Select Payment button and then the user will redirected to the second screen displayed above;

  • The third screen is when the user goes to My Account Page and clicks on the Credit section. The credit section will display the credit statement including the credit limit, credit consumed and credit available. There is also a section, View Payment Terms, which the user can click to view in details the available terms for that specific POC.



BEES Customer

BEES Suite



Allowed payment methods for the account.





Array of allowed payment terms for this account.





The payment method in which the term will be applied. Must match with one of the payment methods.

true (if paymentTerms is present)




Array of periods available for the account.

true (if paymentTerms is present)

true (if paymentTerms is present)

[ { "days": 7 }, { "days": 14 } ]