1.3 Taxes

Price in BEES also has the flexibility of discriminating the taxes that will be applied to each product. However, these taxes are not mandatory and is up to the partner to choose to populate it or not. Nevertheless, it is important to understand the mechanics of taxes in BEES and how it can configured and used.

It is important to emphasize that the taxes configured will be applied at product level, therefore.

Below the most used taxes properties are described in detail:

Tax Id

  • This field identify the type of tax that will be applied, it will vary largely based on the country, however, it must be populated with information that can be easily understood by the POC. A few examples of taxes being used: IVA, VAT, ICMS, ICE, etc.

Tax Type

  • It designates how the tax will be added to the base price, the available values are: $ (Amount), % (Percentage) and AMOUNT_PER_UOM (Amount per unit of measurement).

Tax Value

  • It will be tax value that will be applied on top of the base price, it will take into consideration the tax type stated above. Therefore, if the value is 10 and the tax type was set as $, then it will be added 10$ on top of the base price. In the same manner, if the value is set as 10 and the tax type was set %, then 10% of the base price will be added as taxes.

Taxes Base Inclusions IDs

  • This property is used to when a tax must be applied on top of another tax.


  • Allow the tax to be hidden, however still accounting in the total price of the product.






List of taxes.




The tax alphanumeric identifier.

true (for a tax)



Define how this tax will be calculated and applied.

Allowed values: $, % or AMOUNT_PER_UOM

true (for a tax)



The value of the tax. Its application depends on the type and it is a financial value with the max number of 15 decimal places.

true (for a tax)



The tax base inclusion ids is a list of the dependent taxes. If all the taxes inside it are eligible to be applied then the current tax has this condition satisfied.

true (for a tax)



Indicates whether the tax is hidden in the order.

true (for a tax)
