1.4 Charges

Within Price there is also the flexibility of adding charges to a specific product. This property is optional, meaning that not all products must have a charge but it is important to understand the mechanics of how charges works within price.

The functionality, logics and behavior is very similar to taxes. There are three main properties that must be considering when setting up a charge. Below is a list of the three properties as well as the definition and examples for each of them:

Charged Id

  • The charge Id is the unique identifier of the charge, analog to the taxes it should be populated with a text that easily understable regarding the nature of the charge. For instance, a frequently used charge id is the “LOGISTIC_COST”.

Charge Type

  • It designates how the charge will be added to the base price, the available values are: $ (Amount), % (Percentage).

Charge Value

  • It will be charge value that will be applied on top of the base price, it will take into consideration the charge type stated above, if it is $ or %. Therefore, if the value is 10 and the charge type was set as $, then there will be added 10$ of charges on top of the base price. In the same manner, if the value is set as 10 and the charge type was set %, then 10% of the base price will be added as charge.






List of charges.




The charge alphanumeric identifier.

true (for a charge)



The charge type represents the way it's going to be calculated.

Allowed values: $ or %

true (for a charge)



The value of the charge. Its application depends on the type and it is a financial value with the max number of 15 decimal places.

true (for a charge)