Payload Breakdown

The Inventory entity is very straightforward and very easy to understand. There are only four fields that must be taken into consideration and all of them are explained in more details below:

deliveryCenterIds: As mentioned before, inventory is managed based on a Delivery Center, therefore, when setting an inventory for a given product it is necessary to set at least one delivery center that will have the product. It is possible to list more than one delivery center to configure product amount in several delivery centers at once;

Inventory - VendorItemId: The fields refers to the unique identifier of the product, which in this case is the vendorItemId. The vendorItemId configured in Inventory will automatically reflect to customer in the BEES Application;

Inventory - quantity: The quantity is very self-explanatory field in which it defines the amount of quantity available for the product for a specific delivery center. In the example above, we are able to view that there are 1000 products available in stock, and the user isnt able to add more products given that the inventory type is set as Adjusting;

Inventory - expirationDate: The expiration date field is not a mandatory field but is very useful and can be used to define the date in which that inventory quantity will expire. It is used for products that have a short shelf life.






List of delivery centers ids.




Id of vendor item.




Quantity of items. The quantity must be equal or less than 2000000000.




The expiration date for the oldest batch that compose the inventory quantity.

