Get Orders

For every purchase within the BEES Application, being mobile or web, it is created an order record within the Orders Entity.

Partners can access and retrieve orders from BEES using the GET endpoint that is technically described in more details below. The request to retrieve the orders is very simple and straightforward, in which partners can use parameters to filter down specific orders and receive a complete response for each order. Both the request to retrieve orders information as well as the response is detailed below.


1.1 Parameters

Retrieving Orders from BEES has only one mandatory parameter that must be sent, which is the order status. The order status parameter, as the name suggests, is able to filter down orders based on their statuses. In addition, there is also a possibility to retrieve all orders by passing the status as ALL.

The order GET endpoint has a variety parameters that can be use at any moment, the most important ones are described in the table below, however a full list of the parameters and their options can be found on the stoplight link below:

Query Parameter





The status to filter the orders. More than one status is accepted.




Filter orders by the Delivery Center id to filter the orders by.



1.2 Get order curl sample