1.3 Product Attributes - Container and Pack

Additionally to the Product Information stated above, there are essentials attributes that refers to the container and package of a given product.

The container and package are break down into more specific attributes, their definition and examples are defined below:


  • name: It defines the container in which the product is sold into, for instance for beer the liquid is sold into a bottle, therefore, the container name is bottle. It will vary depending on the nature of the product, for instance snacks can be defined as small, medium or large bags;

  • size: It states the size of the container that the product is sold. For the beer example above, the bottle size can be 210, therefore, the size would be defined as 210. In simple terms, it is the volume of the product within the container;

  • returnable: This attribute is most used to identify that a product is returnable, such as empty bottles. If a product is designated as returnable, then this field must be set as true, otherwise it must be set as false;

  • Unit of Measurement: This attribute defines the unit of measurement of the container itself, for instance if the container size is set as 210 as the example above, the unit of measurement can be set as millimeter or ml.


  • id: For packaging the id is the unique identifier of the package populated by the partner. It is used to easily identify the packaging type of a given product;

  • name: It states the package name for the product, it differs from the container name because the container is where the product is sold into, such as bottle, cans, bags. The package name refers to package type in which one or more products will be sold. For instance a beer is sold into a bottle (container name), but it comes in groups of 12 within a case (package name), therefore, in this example, the package name would be case. If a product is sold in units, in which there is no packages, then it is recommended that the package name is set the same as the container name;

  • item Count: It dictates how many products will come within the package, for the example above, if the case has 12 products, then the item count must be set as 12. If the product is not sold in package the item count field must be set as 1;

  • Count: The unit count express the package quantity, if there is only one case being sold, then, the unit count must be set as 1, even though within the package there are more products, such as 12 bottles (container name) in a case (package name), the unit count must still be set as 1. In case more packages are being sold, such as 2 or more cases, then the unit could should reflect the amount of cases being sold for that product;

  • pack: This attribute is not mandatory and wont appear in the BEES Application. Nevertheless, the pack attribute can also be used to determine the type of package being sold and since it does not reflect in the BEES Application can also serves as a attribute to identify and control the package;

  • size: This attribute also is not mandatory, however can be used to give visibility of the size of a given package.






Container name, usually describes container’s type.




The container’s size, directly related with the unit of measurement field.




Boolean field to indicates if an item is from returnable type.




Container’s unit of measurement, directly related with the "size” field.




The package unique identifier.




The package name.




The quantity of items inside the package.




The quantity of packages.




The type of packages.




The package size.

