Payload Breakdown

1.1 Identifiers

As mentioned before, Price has a lot of flexibility and is a very robust entity. The key identifier of price is composed of two essential properties:

  • [Types]: Defines what will be considered to make that price available and at what level. There are four types that can be used and they are described below:

    • Account: It states that the price configured will be available for one or more accountIds;

    • Price_List: It will define that the price configured will be applicable to a price list. It is worth mentioned that into the account entity it is possible to define a price list identifier with the goal of grouping accounts that will view the same price;

    • Delivery_Center: The delivery center set as type will identify that all accounts under a delivery center will view the price configured;

    • Vendor: The most general type is the vendor, all partners within BEES is specified as a vendor. Therefore, if this type is set all accounts under this partner will be able to view the price configured.

  • [Ids]: It is the unique identifier of the type that was set previously. In more details, the corresponding information is expected based on the type:

    • Account Type: If account is the as the type, then the [Ids] that must be configured are the accountIds that will be able to view the price configured;

    • Price List Type: Once a price list is set as the type, then price list identification that was configured in accounts must be set in the [Ids];

    • Delivery Center Type: The delivery center identification must be populated in the [Ids] property if the type was set as Delivery_Center;

    • Vendor Type: The unique identifier of the vendor, also called vendorId must be populated in the [Ids] field if the vendor was set as the type.






Type provide information of the data for a price list or of accounts:




The list of Ids by type:

Must be the accountId list for ACCOUNT type and the priceListId for the PRICE_LIST type

