Cross Sell (Up Sell)

Cross Sell module, also referred to as Up Sell module, is another substantial element of Algo Selling in BEES. Different from the Quick Order module, the cross sell is not a static feature that will always be displayed, it will appear once a day for POCs and it requires one of the two triggers for the module to show up:


    1. Where the user must add an amount of products* to the cart.

      1. Example: User must add 5 unique products to the cart and then the Cross Sell module will be displayed.


    1. User must add an amount of products* to the cart and  goes to the Truck page.

      1. Example: User must add a unique product to the cart and then tap into My Cart button, the Cross Sell module will be displayed.

The purpose of Cross Sell also differs from the Quick Order, Cross Sell analyzes the products that are being purchased by other establishment within a radius of a specific POC, and then recommends the products t