1. Accounts

Account management documentation


In BEES, the point of consumptions (POCs) such as establishments, restaurants, markets and bars are referred to as accounts. The account is one of the most crucial entity because it holds key definitions of a certain POC that impacts how and what it will view on the BEES application.

As an example some information contained in accounts are: taxId which refers to the government id of the establishment, the accountId field that states the unique identifier for that establishment, and there many other fields and information that this page will cover in more detail.

It is important to emphasize the difference between users and accounts. Users are the people that will be using BEES application to purchase products for a specific POC. Therefore, a POC can have more than one user associated to it, such as the owner and employees. Also, a single user is able to associate more than one POC, such as an owner having two or more establishments that he/she manages through BEES.


Payload Breakdown

1.1 Identifiers