Payload Breakdown

3.1 Delivery Window


BEES has a entity specific to manage and control the delivery date in which the POCs are able to select when completing their purchase. This entity is the delivery window.

The Delivery Window is very simple and straightforward to configure. It is necessary to input a unique identification for the delivery window, which is defined as the field id, then it must also have the delivery schedule identification, which is an information that must be provided in the account entity. Therefore an account that has a delivery schedule id that matches with an existing registration within the delivery window entity will have the date available to be select during the checkout.

The delivery window entity also posses a few types, the types and definition are described in detail below:


    • Designates dates in which the POC is able to select to have their goods received free of charge.


    • Designates dates in which the POC can select however it incurs an extra charge;

    • These two types are often used to offer an express delivery outside the common delivery dates offered to the POCs.

Besides the fields described above, the delivery window entity has two important fields: the expirationDate and the deliveryDate. The expiration date specifies when the delivery date will cease to appear for a given POC and the delivery date is the date that can be selected by POC during the checkout. For instance if an POC has the delivery date as “2023-06-12”, this date will appear for the POC to select during the checkout, however, it will appear only if the POC places an order before the expirationDate. Given that a POC has the delivery date mentioned above, and tries to place an order after 19:00:00Z of the day before ("2023-06-11T17:00:00Z") the delivery date will not appear because the expiration date will be on the past.


In BEES the delivery date is displayed in the checkout screen, which is the first and third screen presented above. Once the user clicks on the delivery date button, then he/she would be redirected to the second screen which is the delivery date selection page.






The unique identifier of this delivery window.




Id that connects the delivery windows to the POC.




A type of the delivery window. Today we support 3 different delivery window types:REGULAR, FLEX and EXPRESS.




Expiration date is the date that the delivery window expires for the user.




The available date for selecting the order delivery.

