General Information

The properties below are used to compose the final price.

"type": "PRICE_LIST",
"ids": [
  "prices": [
      "vendorItemId": "SKU0001-CASE",
      "sku": "SKU0001",
      "basePrice": 4.99,
      "measureUnit": "CS",
      "minimumPrice": 0.00,
      "type": "PER_UNIT",
      "taxes": [
          "taxId": "IVA",
          "type": "%",
          "value": 12

Type and IDs

The properties below are used to segment prices.

  "type": "PRICE_LIST",
  "ids": [


Details all taxes in product price.

"taxes": [
    "taxId": "IVA",
    "type": "%",
    "value": 12,
    "taxId": "ISD",
    "type": "%",
    "value": 10,
    "taxBaseInclusionIds": [
    "base": 10.99,
    "conditions": {
      "orderSubTotal": {
        "minimumValue": 2000.00
    "proportional": true,
    "baseChanges": {
      "reduction": 5.99,
      "increase": 5.99,
      "compareWith": {
        "type": "AMOUNT_PER_UOM",
        "base": 10.99
    "deduction": {
      "type": "%",
      "value": 8.99,
  ��   "baseChanges": {
        "reduction": 5.99

Charges in prices

Details any additional charge of the product.

  "charges": [
      "chargeId": [
          "chargeId": "LOGISTIC_COST",
          "type": "$",
          "value": 20.99